Slaton Lions Club

Slaton Lions Club

Our 22 activities listed starting with one important leader. (On the right is Larry Neal)

Larry & Robert Neal know the value of a Big Deal in a Small Town.
Larry & Robert Neal know the value of a Big Deal in a Small Town.

Next is a list of our helping hands!


We have a few secrets about how the Slaton Lions Club  is able to stay active and enjoy being able to serve. Some of the other posts in this web site might give you a clue but the real issue is that this daunting spirit was instilled in some folks hundreds of years ago. Our forefathers and ancestors had this unrelenting drive much like instinct and maybe even our gene makeup in which they used different words and actions to explain things so that others can understand. For example: REMEBER THE ALAMO’S famous phrase where Colonel Travis drew a line in the sand and asked that to step across the line is  to stay…

The result is WE DARE TO STEP FORWARD, maybe one at a time, maybe more and then more ideas are instilled in our minds which means we have a good core of people.


Oh—For now here is a list from this last year, pictures later, just the list in somewhat of a random order.


  1. Western Hamburgers benefitting S.H.S. activities.
  2. New police vests.
  3. Support annual city cleanup.
  4. Snack Pac -Sponsor 3 underprivileged weekend meals for a year.
  5. Help with Basketball game concessions.
  6. Santa Red and Blue – gifts for underprivileged children.
  7. July 4th BBQ hamburgers.
  8. Annual Car Show on the Slaton Square.
  9. Banners (donations) for softball and baseball.
  10. Program ads for 3 sports at Slaton High School.
  11. Scholarships for 3 Seniors ($3000.00).
  12. Senior Citizens – Cook at annual open house.
  13. South Plains Food Bank Partner.
  14. Support Little Dribblers Basketball.
  15. Support Little League Baseball.
  16. Support Texas Lions Club.
  17. Support Slaton Booster Club.
  18. Project Celebration on Senior Graduation night.
  19. Harvey House Supporter.
  20. Bi-Annual Air Show at the Slaton Airport.
  21. Slaton welcome sign on U. S. 84.
  22. X-Man Rameriz fund (He had a heart attack on the football field in 2015 and another student had a heart attack on the same football field in 2016. Both students survived safely!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Visit the rest of our web site to see and hear  the mighty  ROAR from our history laden club in SLATON, TEXAS!